Sunday, March 1, 2009

photos of Paonia

Here's a selection of photos with captions.

This is the town of Paonia. I finally got a chance to walk up Lamborn Mesa (I think) and along an irrigation ditch. This is the main strip in town. It's got everything you need, except brown socks. This view gives me a better perspective of where I am.

Something - I dunno.

Something else - I dunno.


Whatever - I just thought the colors were cool.

This is where the coal trains run multiple times a day.

My roommate and I are the co-hosts for a "mountain-grown" public radio show called Musical Convergence. It's on every Thursday at 9:30pm MT, but we're on every other Thursday. We were on this past Thursday (2/26/09) so that means our next show will be on 3/12/09. So I guess you've got to count 14 days in between if you want to tune in. You can listen at Call in with requests!

A co-worker's car.

I'm running the Sound EFX for the community play. It's based on the book Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis. The world premiere was last night. It was awesome. My boss wrote the play.

That's Babbitt looking directly into the camera.

That's the crazy woman.

I hope the play makes it big somewhere. It's really well-written.

And these are some berries outside of my office.

In conclusion, iPhoto is fun. Hope you're having a nice day.